Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finally, It's 80*

Yes, we are in Clearwater, FL and today it is 80, from here it gets cold again, but for now this is paradise. Our trip here reminds us that no amount of planning can insure that the plan will go accordingly. With the weather forecast in hand and the tanks all topped off we planned an early departure Sunday to arrive in Clearwater early Monday. Fog was not mentioned nor was it predicted. Oh well that is what radar is for, just follow the little green and red thingys marking the channel; let's see It's Red Right Return? So heading out we keep the Greenies to Starboard, oops ran aground, back off back off, we're floating again. Well lets reverse that and try it the other way. Ooops, we're aground, very aground. Rev the engine forward, rev the engine reverse Nadda, Zip, time to call for a tow. Oh at this time visibility is NILL. Get out the bell, the whistle, call out on the radio, whats that, nothing just a gull, but that is a rather large fishing boat emerging from the fog, Hi. Rusty from Towboat never made it out so we were left to our own designs, with some help from a few wakes we finally were afloat again, but lost in the fog. Finally the fearless crew got it together and off we go in the right direction, hey look another very large fishing boat that doesn't care it if gets a nick in the hull from a glass boat, hard to port.
Ok, there's the channel to the Gulf of Mexico, we're home free, wait what is that, just some locales in a little row boat anchored in the middle of the channel fishing. WE exchanged pleasantries, something about tools. I'm sure that Darwin will take care of the situation in time.
In to the Gulf to begin the 150nm trek SE, oh yeah more fog; in fact to make this short, FOG the entire trip, at least it'll be dark too. Nothing like disturbing a sleeping pelican in the middle of the gulf as it yells at you and begins flapping its enormous wings and running on the water, you can't see it but you hear it then see the wake it created and wonder what the hell is that.
Finally arrive Monday afternoon with the Clearwater Pass clearly in sight and then, it just disappeared behind a fog bank. Let us repeat that, ikt was there one nano-second and the next it was gone. What to do, circle call on the radio get the whistle.
Finally into the channel and running for the marina, land. Wait what's that, it's a manta ray showing off; it too can fly, just watch it leap into the air roll over and crash back into the sea, cool, get the camera forget about running into the jetty that's too cool. Well, no pic's but we made it into the marina and had a great nights rest. Now for cleaning and more planning for the next leg. Hey did we tell you about the flying manta ray?


  1. Thanks for the good chuckle...you need a scense of humor out there on the sail boat! Safe sailing and keep the posts coming!
    Gretchen :)

  2. Wonderful to see you guys are accomplishing this dream! Have a wonderful holiday and we will look forward to reading your updates!

    Noble, Juliet, Jane and Max

  3. Hi guys, glad to see you are having fun (read that fixing broken stuff) and enjoying yourselves whilst running aground. Just remember most never have the opportunity to run aground, so consider those times to be heaven sent. We miss you and hope to see you again sometime.

    Luisa and Rock
